STUDENTS, On the topic of Underdevelopment and growth of Extremism, first you must get an overview of the Insurgent groups in North East India. Read this Wikipedia article on it DOWNLOAD After this read this paper by Mohammed Taher'sir, from one of his popular book on North EAst India. Here he gives an outline of the role of Ethnicity & Insurgency. He traces the origin of Insurgent groups in various states of NE India. DOWNLOAD Finally this specific paper is written by the authors P. R. Bhattacharjee & Purusottam Nayak (North Eastern Hill University) which makes an assessment of the nexus between insurgency and underdevelopment in North East India. To achieve this end first various dimensions of insurgencies towards achievement of different goals in different states in the region are narrated. The impact of insurgency on infrastructure, industry including petroleum and tea, and environment are then analyzed. ...